Do you feel your family works well as a team or are you all running your own race? Do you end up
doing the lion's share of the running around because it is just “easier” than explaining it to another
family member? Family life can be intense with so many tasks to get through, as well as competing
priorities and commitments.
We are a family, but it doesn't always feel that way. I am a mum of three beautiful boys. They are
wonderful, wild, loud and active. All of my children have ADHD combined type and so does my
husband. Our house runs at an intensity that could pull you under. One of our most effective, easy
to use tools we use to calm the storm of life, is to have family meeting.
The family meeting is a wonderful asset to our family and encourages communication, keeps us
organised and ultimately saves us time. The family meeting brings us back together so we feel
connected and know what is going on with eachothers lives.
Having a family meeting allows each family member to know what is coming up. It also has the
added advantage of sharing the family workload.
I use our family meetings as a time to reflect on positive things and collaboratively problem solve
any issues any member of the family is facing. A family is a team and this practice reinforces that.
Here is my easy family meeting template [attach link to download] and a guide on how to use it:
1. Call 'family meeting is now in session'. We usually do this on Sunday night over dinner.
2. Best part of the week. Each person goes round the table and says their highlight of the past week.
Bringing attention to the positive.
3. Issues or concerns. Each person is given the opportunity to raise any issues or concerns they
have. We come up with possible solutions or plans to address concerns collaboratively as a family.
Be real with your kids about your struggles, sometimes the solutions they come up with are truly
inspired. We are teaching problem solving here. We also want our children to be able to talk to us
about anything that is worrying them.
4. Gratitude. Each person goes around the table and says thank you to every family member for
something they did during the week. If you know you are going to have to do this every week, you
will start looking for things to be grateful for and believe me you will find it. It is a change in mindset
and makes each family member feel valued.
5. Meal plan. Quickly go through the family meal plan for the weeks dinners. My 12 year old now
cooks one night per week so we pick which simple meal he will prepare.
6. Shopping list. Any requests are submitted to the family shopping list. Parents approve or deny
7. The week ahead. We draw it up on a whiteboard and put it on the wall - my ADHDers need this,
in fact we all do! We go through what each family member is doing each day of the week. This is the
time to discuss who is picking up who etc. Remember to request any school notes or invitations so
they are actioned or added to the diary for the future.
8. Budget. Here we discuss any expenses we have coming up or things that we are saving for. The
children receive their pocket money for any extra tasks completed.
9. Ask is there anything else anyone would like to say?
10. Conclude meeting.
This simple process has so many benefits. It is something that my children crave and I love that it
gives everyone a voice.
Try it and let me know how you go.
Owner and Founder of
The Functional Family
Providing life changing strategies and support for parents of children with ADHD and/or behavioural